Remus's Revelation - A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (The Quasar Lineage Book 7) | eBook
Remus's Revelation - A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (The Quasar Lineage Book 7) | eBook
Book 7 of 12: The Quasar Lineage
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Happily committed and content in my harem, I assume I’m chosen to go after my brother Travek due to my faithfulness. I’m not excited to go off-planet, but I’ll serve my council mother and church Sacred Mother in whatever capacity they request.
When I arrive, I’m dismayed to see mating marks have developed on my chest, and the pull to meet the human female inspiring them keeps me distracted—and feeling guilty.
Do I let this mating progress and betray my Ermada? Is it possible to even deny a mating pull?
When her life is in danger, any rational thought disappears as instinct takes over…
Struggling to be “normal” at the college I’m attending, I find it aggravating to visit the shrink. She doesn’t understand or believe that I’ve been abducted by little, grey aliens.
When I’m sucked into their bright light while at a study group, I’m shocked that they’re abducting me from a room with other people—why can I suddenly remember not only this visit but dozens more?
And who is this strange, new alien claiming I’m his mate?
This SciFi Romance alien book contains Adult Language and Steamy Adult Bedroom Scenes. It is intended for 18+ Readers & Adults Only.
It's part of a science fiction romance series but can be read as a standalone story with no cliffhangers!

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Chapter One
“Have you had any panic attacks in the last week?”
Flipping her expertly coiffed hair over her shoulder, my school-appointed therapist peers at me over the top of her iPad. She’s taking notes on it from behind her desk.
When Dr. Dickson just continues to look at me expectantly, I let out a frustrated breath and continue. “I’m sleeping all night and taking my meds.”
I’m such a liar, but whatever.
They can shove the Prozac they’ve subscribed right up their ass. Besides feeling exhausted all the fucking time, losing sleep in and of itself was doing me in.
Of course, they all said that would taper off. That I’d get “adjusted” to the dosage.
Total bullshit.
I’m in college, for fuck’s sake. I need to sleep and be able to concentrate during the day. Nervousness, nausea, and lack of sleep are not a student’s best friend.
I refuse to play their games.
“Any other episodes you’d like to talk about?”
By episodes, she means hallucinations, visions, nightmares, etcetera. Like I made up the shit I’ve seen.
We lock eyes, and the battle of wills begins.
I’m not losing this, damn it! She can not believe me all she wants, but I know what I’ve experienced.
Starting from my earliest memories, I’ve been abducted. By little, grey men. Aliens.
Yes, I’m aware it sounds crazy as hell. I’ve been told that over and over. From friends, doctors, and teachers during the course of my life.
The only person who ever believed me was my mother, and she passed away just over a year ago. She was my only family. Here anyway.
Sure, I’ve family back in Mexico that I’ve never met. Or I did when I was an infant.
My parents immigrated to the US when I was less than a year old. By the time I was four, my father no longer came to visit regularly. My mom thought he ran off with a waitress at the restaurant he bussed tables at.
Giving up, the doctor’s eyes shift back to her notes as she continues to type. Looking around the tiny office, I study her credentials behind her. That’s what I want.
Those silly pieces of paper with the fancy initials after your name. They make you legit. Believable.
When my mother passed away, I was still sixteen, so I ended up in the foster care system. It was brief, but put me on the radar for the headline “Crazy Bitch” and that just isn’t the case. It’s how I ended up here.
When Dr. Dickson sighs heavily, my focus drops back to her behind the desk. “It looks like your last episode was… three weeks ago.”
I roll my eyes as she continues. “Reported by your dorm supervisor.”
Yeah, that was unfortunate. She thought I’d been raped when she found me in the bushes, naked and catatonic. It’s strange, but I rarely remember the experiences.
I think that aspect of the abductions is a blessing. What I do remember is bad enough.
They scared me more when I was younger. Now, I’m just resigned.
“I don’t remember what happened.”
My voice is quiet, but firm. If I don’t remember, we can’t discuss it. And what’s the point in talking about it?
“You don’t remember leaving your room naked?” Her eyes are wide on me behind her designer glasses she nudges up with her shoulder. Skepticism is heavy in her voice.
Aren’t therapists supposed to be unbiased?
“No.” Shrugging my shoulders, we lock eyes again.
“Sorry.” I tack that on for good measure.
Until I came to college, I’d only dealt with the in-house therapist at the group home. Dr. Freeman was a pervert, but never blatantly disbelieving. This is only my third session with Dr. Dickson, though.
Only about six more to go this year. Easy, right?
Closing her iPad cover, Dr. Dickson settles back into her chair, looking resigned. “I’m informed you aren’t here because you want to be. I get that. But you realize how concerning it is when someone finds a naked, catatonic woman outside, right?”
When I stare at her blankly without responding for a few seconds, she continues. “Don’t you think that scared your poor dorm supervisor?”
“With anyone else, this could have been a big deal. You need to participate with me. Don’t make me question your prescription usage. If these things keep occurring, we’ll have to get your blood work done and make adjustments accordingly.”
Her serious expression has me mute. What does that mean?
I can’t control this. It’s an aspect of my life that hasn’t been under my power since… forever.
Never, really. I’ve been abducted from sleepovers at a friend’s home before, too.
I always come wandering back in a few hours. Sometimes naked. Sometimes in pajamas.
What else can I say?
“Okay.” Focusing on her iPad, the doctor taps around a bit before continuing. “So, our next scheduled appointment is in four weeks.”
She passes over the typical doctor’s business card with the time and date on it.
As I lean over, my long, brown hair skims across her desk that’s wider than it looks from a sitting position. She doesn’t let the card go as I grasp the other side. “But…”
I freeze, still holding the other end. “… if you have anything else occur—anything, you call me right away to schedule an appointment immediately. Agreed?”
Swallowing down the frustration bubbling up inside of me, I fix a tight smile on my face as I nod curtly.
She releases the appointment card, and I immediately turn and grab my backpack off the floor by my chair.
Hurrying to the door, I don’t respond to Dr. Dickson’s, “Have a great night, Jo-Anne.”
She’s entirely too chipper now. Probably because I’m leaving and I hate her for that.
Karen is staring at her phone right outside the door. As I slip out, she glances up. “All set?”
“Yes.” The relief I feel at being out of there is clear in my tone. One more down.
We fall into a companionable silence until we’ve exited the building. That’s one of the best things about Karen. She knows when to just leave me be.
Karen and I are both second-generation immigrants. Her parents came from Germany when she was a child. We were both raised in households where English was the second language. Besides being assigned a dorm together, we honestly really hit it off.
It’s a quick jaunt across the campus to get to the three story brick building our study group has been using for meetings. Even though I know Karen and I will talk about my doctor’s appointment—probably tonight while we’re lying in bed—she lets it go for now.
I’m seething with frustration and anger at the unfortunate position I’ve landed in. I can’t help wonder if I could get housing off-campus? Maybe then I could hide any further “unfortunate incidents” that occur from the school?
After all, I went my whole life with no one ever knowing what was going on except my mother.
Karen and I have discussed living together off campus in the future, but not this year. As she pulls the door open for me, I’m thankful when she changes the subject. “Do you want to go to a movie this weekend?”
“Did you have a specific one in mind? RomCom or action or horror…” My voice trails off ominously as it echoes through the stairwell we’ve begun to climb.
“That depends on if we’ve the funds to pay for it ourselves?” She gives me a big smile as she turns on the landing above me to head up the second flight. “That cute guy, Tim, I told you about him from English?”
Yes, I remember. She was waxing poetic about him a few days ago. Something about a poem he brought her.
“Sure, I remember,” I assure her.
“Well… he asked me if I wanted to go see that new chick flick with Drew Barrymore this weekend and I told him I’d go as a double date.”
Groaning loudly, I shake my head at her back. “Great.”
Karen is always doing this to me! She’s super outgoing and beautiful. It’s not surprising that so many guys are always asking her out.
“He must really like you if he volunteered to take you to that movie!”
Our laughter echoes through the stairwell. As she pulls the door open to the deserted hallway, she grabs my arm. Popping out her bottom lip, she gives me puppy dog eyes. “Please?”
Smiling at her antics and pleading tone, I nod slowly. It’s harmless really. No matter who the guy is, the likelihood of them liking me is slim.
Sure, I’m not terribly unfortunate looking, but I don’t talk. At least not like Karen. She could talk the hind legs off a donkey.
“Did he say someone in particular he had in mind to bring?” I don’t know why I’m asking. It doesn’t matter.
I’m going to do it for Karen—because she’s my friend. No one else asks me to do anything.
Entering the room where we meet for the study group, she shakes her head as everyone calls hello. It looks like we’re still missing a few people. We settle in to wait, still talking about whether Tim had any redeemable qualities besides his willingness to pay for a movie for us both.
Everything becomes a little hazy, as Shelly calls our group to order. We’re all there. Jenny and Rachel came in shortly before Susan and Lisa. But it was Susan who commented on the bright light that shows up suddenly.
My back is almost to the windows as the light casts an almost blinding illumination on Shelly’s face across from me.
There’s tingling on my skin, though. That’s how I recognize immediately what it is.
A familiar feeling of paralyzing immobility takes over my limbs. The pin-point pressure moves over every part of my body, and I try desperately to get out a scream.
Hanging my mouth open in shock, nothing comes out as I frantically and silently yell, “Nooooooo…”
Chapter Two
“Remus, you’ve been summoned by Lulila to the greeting room.”
Milano waves me closer as he carefully treads through the soft dirt near my latest flower bed. I enjoy the outdoors and tending to the plants and gardens we have around our home. It’s more of a joy than a chore.
Standing up, I motion down my body at the dusty clothing I’m wearing. “Will this be appropriate?”
Shaking his head no, I nod back with understanding. The day was warmer than I originally expected and a fine layer of dust and sweat clings to my skin.
“Can you let her know I’ll be there shortly?”
Falling into step next to me, Milano follows me back toward our dwelling. “It’s not just Lulila. Our mother arrived with the Sanctuary’s Sacred Mother.”
My eyes widen in surprise. This is unexpected. What could they possibly want with me?
As we enter the side garden entrance, he spins off toward the greeting room.
Hurrying to my shared sleeping quarters, I hastily strip and use the cleaning spray.
This must have something to do with Travek. Our mother, Kirley Pelack, has been getting more and more agitated the longer he’s been out of contact. It’s standard protocol to be in constant contact with daily updates if leaving the Discovery.
When the crew is on the Discovery, their families can feel confident all is going according to plan because of our spacecraft’s regular logs and updates. But Travek is supposed to follow the same operating procedures when he separates from them and he hasn’t.
I’m not sure why things have been left as long as they have, because they found his spacecraft on planet six two four exactly twenty-one rotations after leaving the Discovery.
That was thirteen rotations ago.
It’s impossible not to feel worried and protective of my little brother. He’s always had an adventurous spirit. He opted to head out almost two annual rotations ago on the Discovery—despite Lulila’s attempts at persuading him to stay with us.
Now, with his service time almost complete, he’s turned up missing.
Knocking firmly on the greeting room door, I straighten to my full height and take a deep breath. I haven’t seen the Sacred Mother since my own service time at the Sanctuary years ago. Unlike Travek, I longed for the more structured classes and studies spent in the historical records.
Milano pulls open the door from the other side, and I spot the three most important women in my life across the room. They’re gathered around a small table, and I’m surprised to see no other males in the room. Usually, a visit from the Sanctuary’s Sacred Mother would call for a much more formal celebration and service.
As I get closer, I realize all their eyes are on me.
Stopping between Lulila and my mother, I bow low.
“It’s good to see you, Remus.”
My mother clasps my hand next to her at the Sacred Mother’s welcome. “You look well. Healthy. Still enjoying your time outdoors, I see.”
“Yes, mother.”
Drawing out the chair in front of me, Milano waves at it before walking away. Whatever is going on is being kept from everyone.
“Will you be okay to lose your sunshine for a little while if we send you into space after your brother?” Getting right to the point, my mother’s serious expression takes me by surprise.
Me? Why me?
As I look closer at her, I see the worry. Although she still looks as beautiful as usual, there are circles under her eyes. Her tightly clenched hands in her lap give away her tension.
I look at Lulila questioningly. Does she want me to go too?
As my Ermada, she has the last and final say.
When she grabs my hand closest to her, she confirms her agreement in a calm voice. “We’re all anxious. It was the Sacred Mother who felt you’d be the best candidate to send after him as an ambassador to the Ashen. Just listen to what she has to say.”
Entwining my fingers with hers, I enjoy the companionship she’s so freely given me over the course of our joining. For a moment, a brief streak of fear shoots through my system. Could she be trying to get rid of me?
I know I’m not the typical bed partner, but she’s never excluded me from a rotation. I like to believe that we’re better friends than any of her other males. After all, the time they spend fucking, I’m able to talk to her and pleasure her.
The arrangement has worked for us—I thought.
“Of course.”
Turning to the Sacred Mother across from me, I drop my eyes respectfully. “I’m at all of your service.”
“You’re fulfilling an ancient prophesy, Remus.”
At my name, I lift my eyes to hers. Her robes rustle as she shifts forward. Her serious expression surprises me, because I’ve never put much faith in the prophesies at the Sanctuary.
Occasionally, an interpretation of a vision is done by a high ranking Sanctuary member that will make it into the news. I’m as faithful in daily reflections as most, but the old ways tend to seem antiquated and outdated.
Looking at the Sacred Mother, I can’t help wonder how many hundreds of annual rotations she’s seen?
Her skin is more wrinkled than any other female I’ve been in the presence of, but her startling blue eyes capture mine the moment they meet. There’s something bottomless about them. All knowing.
“With all due respect, what prophecy is this?” I can see my mother cringe to my right, but Lulila’s grip on my hand tightens. I can detect her shaking as she restrains her laughter.
She knows what I believe about everything, including prophecies. It’s hard to not feel like they have manipulated the latest prophecy to encourage fear or lack in the population. This spurs spending in certain vectors of industry in the city.
Holding her fist in front of her, the Sacred Mother slowly opens her fingers to show a clear, faceted crystal. The shape reflects the light above us, sending hundreds of prisms dancing around the air.
I’ve seen nothing like it before. “What is it?”
“Well, we don’t exactly know.” Her admission is a good start. They could just feed me lies and half truths in an effort to manipulate me. “The Ashen gave it to us over two thousand years ago when we came to an agreement with them. It’s always been a symbol of the agreement and our separation and splitting of territories. We want you to take it to them as a sign that you represent us.”
My mother leans in and interjects quietly. “And find Travek.”
Nodding solemnly, the Sacred Mother agrees. “Yes, and find Travek.”
“But what makes you so certain that Travek’s with them? Aren’t there many possibilities of where he could be? Other alien species… pirates? What causes you to believe that he’s with them?”
We’re all looking at the Sacred Mother, waiting for her answer. My mother, and even my Ermada, are looking at her with hope as well. They need to be told that Travek is alive.
Lulila tried to encourage Travek to stay before he went out on his two annual rotation commitment to the space exploration program. From what I gathered, he was tempted, but his innate curiosity and zest for adventure still drew him in.
Uncle Reelo, our money hungry uncle, probably had more to do with it than either of them realized.
“The prophecy is hundreds of years old, given to us by the Sacred Mother of the time. In her vision, she describes our planet as ravaged and close to extinction. She claims an Ashen who wanted to help visited her. Turned away at every turn, they finally left us to our own devices. Until off-planet, one young male stumbled into their territory and was swallowed by evil…”
“Evil! What kind of evil?” My mother grips my other hand as she cuts in. Her vice-like hold shakes as she blinks rapidly.
Shrugging, the Sacred Mother’s face is grim. “That isn’t clear and never was. They described it as darkness and evil. But the Ashen saved him. We believe this is Travek, and that’s why we want Remus to go to the Ashen to confirm he’s there and safely with them now.”
She leans forward, dropping her voice as she continues. “According to the prophecy, when the Ashen saved him from this darkness, he was changed and eventually joined by his brother. That brother was described as blood-related and a virgin. It appears you’re that brother, Remus.”
I can feel my hair begin to vibrate with embarrassment and tension as I realize the extent of their discussion before I joined with them here.
My eyes flicker to Lulila, whose guilty expression admits what I already suspect. Her eyes drop to her lap, and I know that her demurring to me of embarrassment is as much of an apology as I’ll ever get from my Ermada. Her decisions and choices are always final.
Ignoring our uncomfortable exchange, the Sacred Mother continues to explain. “The family that joins him creates another binding agreement with the Ashen.”
Sitting back in the high-back chair across from me, the Sacred Mother lets out a long sigh. “We need this. With our own resources failing on the planet and our reproductive numbers dropping—specifically the females, the Ashen may have some answers we need. They’re extremely advanced. Especially genetically.”
Releasing my mother and Lulila’s hands, I lean forward, smoothing down my errant strands of hair that have released from the tension I’m trying to hide. It’s silly to worry too much about the past, but I’m curious.
“Why haven’t we gone to them sooner? If things are so dire, what have we been waiting for?”
My mother next to me grasps my arm. Questioning the directions of the Sacred Mother is unheard of, but she gives me more respect than any of us expect by answering my question.
“Because the Ashen are so proficient at mind control. It’s another race that we’ll be exposing our situation and weaknesses to.”
I nod in understanding. Although considering how serious they make it sound, I still don’t understand why we haven’t at least tried to reach out before.
“Plus, we’ve known about the prophecy for a long time.”
The Sacred Mother’s explanation seems like political maneuvering. Why couldn’t we just jump ahead and avoid the entire problem altogether?
“We weren’t sure how we’d be received if we attempted contact to solicit help from them early. Even now, we don’t know exactly what kind of debt we’ll incur. Based on the events with Bren Khar and his human mate, I’m guessing that mating will be part of their solution. Polluting our bloodlines and weakening our skills. It’s what we’ve fought so hard to avoid, but at this stage in our evolution, it may be unavoidable.”
Her dire sounding words echo in my ears. Words like “polluting our bloodlines” and “weakening our skills” sound like more old school rhetoric.
Bren Khar was on the Discovery with Travek, and surely what inspired him to run off on an idiotic venture to Earth in the Ashen territory.
I personally have no strong political opinions on interbreeding with other alien species, but that stems from the fact that there really aren’t any options out there. Nothing similar enough to procreate with as far as I’ve been informed.
Leaning back, I point out what would make me unsuitable. “I’m not formally trained on long range space flight. Who’ll be taking me to them?”
The Sacred Mother’s lips tighten, and when my mother squeezes my hand, I turn my attention to her. “We can’t send anyone with you.”
I open my mouth to argue when she cuts me off. “The prophecy is clear that you go alone. You’ll be taking our most advanced personal cruiser and going straight there. In stasis.”
I’ve never been in stasis before, although it’s supposed to be the most convenient way to travel. This whole idea seems preposterous, and they’re basing me going on the fact that I’m a virgin?
Leaving my home, my Ermada, and flying off alone in a spacecraft to meet a species I’ve only heard about and never seen—is foolish.
Biting my tongue, I dip my eyes to the table before answering, “As you wish.”
eBook Details
Here's some useful information for you to know about this eBook:
Number of Pages: 226
Time To Read: 4.25 Hours
Word Count: 54,593
Series: The Quasar Lineage
Formats: ePub, Mobi, PDF
Devices: Kindle, Apple and Android Devices, Nook & Kobo Readers, Computers in Browsers
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Devlin's Darling - A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (The Quasar Lineage Book 4) | eBook
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Forohn's Fated - A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (The Quasar Lineage Book 5.5) | eBook
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Travek's Treasure - A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (The Quasar Lineage Book 6) | eBook
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Remus's Revelation - A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (The Quasar Lineage Book 7) | eBook
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Chevepak's Cherished - A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (The Quasar Lineage Book 11) | eBook
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Meet The Author
I love to write about the same genre I love to read...
Science Fiction and Romance go hand in hand in my mind!